Voprosy Pitaniia 2015, 84, 37-46.
Low calorie diet influence optimization on body composition at obese patients with secondary diastolic heart failure.
Bogdanov AR, Derbeneva SA, Bogdanova AA, Feofanova TB, Panfilova NV, Nesierova VE.

The effectiveness of low-calorie diet therapy, combined with Tahitian Noni Juice and TruAge Max, on body composition was evaluated in open, prospective, monocentric study with 3 parallel groups of obese patients with secondary diastolic heart failure. After 6 weeks of calorie restriction, loss of lean muscle mass was less in the two noni groups than in the calorie restriction only group. Maintenance of weight loss throughout the 6-week period was greater in the noni groups than in the calorie restriction only group. (original abstract available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26852530).